Saturday, April 18, 2015

Some questions to consider when designing a SAP EM solution

- Which processes do I want to track?
- Which objects of these processes should be monitored?
- Which events within my processes am I interested in tracking?
- Are my events date and time driven?
- Where should the planned dates and times for my expected events come from?
- From where will the actual events be reported (i.e. IDoc’s, Legacy, R/3)?
- Do I have any events which may occur but are not planned?
- Which rules should be applied to my process when events are or are not posted (i.e. create an alert, change a status)?
- Which statuses do I want to have assigned to my process and at what time within my process (i.e. order status ‘delayed’should appear when a delayed event has been posted to a particular shipment)?
- Which systems will be interfaced with SCEM (i.e. R/3, Legacy)?
- Should I set up SAP EM as a stand alone toolor on the same box as R/3 or APO?
- Will I use the out of the box scenarios or will I be customizing the delivered scenarios?

- Do I have access to the following resources: Business representation, Functional resource, ABAP resource?
- Will I be interested in using the Web Dynpro to display information regarding my processes to internal or external users such as carriers or customers?
- Will I be interested in using the Alert Framework to send out alert notifications during the tracking of my process (i.e. via email,fax, pager)? For example, if my shipment has been delayed, should the Account Executive be notified?
- How large should my server be? (TBD once Volume has been determined)
- Which information would I like to bring into SAP EM associated to my Events/Process? For example, material description, sold to number, ship to number, ship to address.
- If sending out alerts based on activity within my process, which information should the alert contain? What should trigger the alert, to whom should the alert go to, where should the alert go?
- If using the Web Dynpro, which search criteria do I want to give my users, which column header information should I display on the results screen, which events should I display on the detail page?
- Which information should be analyzed within BW, which KPI’swould I like to define and which data should come directly from the SCEM?

- When should EHs and Events be archived off the system?

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