Direct call of transactions, session handling:
- /nxxxx -Terminates the current transaction, and call transaction “xxxx” - E.g. /nVA02 calls transaction VA02 in the current session This terminates the transaction. This generally corresponds to going back with F15.
- /n -Terminates the current transaction and returns to the SAP menu
- /nend - Terminates all separate sessions and logs off (corresponds to “System -> Log off”)
- /nex - Terminates all sessions and logs off immediately (without any warning)
- /oxxxx - Opens a new session and starts transaction xxxx in the new session
- /o - Lists existing sessions and allows deletion or opening of a new session
- /i - Terminates the current session (corresponds to “System -> End session”)
- /i1 , /i2 ,… - Terminates the session with the specified number
- .xyzw - “Fast path”: “xyzw” refers to the underlined letters in the menus. This type of navigation is uncommon and is provided more for emergencies (such as a defective mouse)
Background input:
The following commands can be entered in correction mode (“Process in foreground” or “Display errors only”) when processing a background input session:- /n - Terminates the current background input transaction and characterizes it as “Failed”.
- /bdel- Deletes the current background input transaction
- /bend - Terminates background input processing and sets the session to “Failed”.
- /bda - Switches from “Display errors only” to “Process in foreground”.
- /bde -Switches from “Process in foreground” to “Display errors only”.
ABAP/4 debugging:
- /h - Switches into debugging mode.
- /hs - Switches into debugging mode and activates the debugging of system functions.
Buffer commands:
WARNING: Resetting buffers can significantly impact on the performance of the entire system. It should therefore only be executed with extreme caution. Authorization object S_ADMI_FCD is required to do this. NB: The action is noted in the system log.
- /$SYNC - This resets all buffers of the application server
- /$CUA - This resets the CUA buffers of the application server
- /$TAB - This resets the table buffers of the application server
- /$NAM - This resets the nametab buffers of the application server
- /$DYN - This resets the screen buffers of the application server
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